Life Lessons of a Commuter Student Part 1 =D

I've been doing a lot of driving lately, and would like to share some of the things I've 'learned' while driving...

So, you're cruising down the road when suddenly the car in front of you breaks. You're going as fast as legally possible, the lane next to you is open, for now, but it won't be open forever. You have two choices; stay where you are and just break along with the car in front, or quick change lanes and POTENTIALLY zip around/past. I don't know about the rest of you, but I seem to get a little anxious in these kinds of situations. I know it seems silly, but I'm very 'time efficient' minded. I don't like speeding, but I don't like being 'stuck' either. Now, in the last few months I have run into this situation COUNTLESS times, and I've realized something... Just because there are break lights in front and a seemingly open lane next to you, it doesn't mean that a lane change will ultimately be the best choice.

Sometimes, in life, we're have a similar choice to make.

Recently, I've been rather impatient, especially when it comes to school. I don't like being in school, and I just want to be done, get 'on with my life'. I recently seemed to be "seeing break lights" in front of me, in the lane known as Trinity. I didn't feel like Trinity was going to get me to my goal of graduation in the 'fastest' way possible, in fact, I thought it was going to be significantly slower. I saw the break lights, and started turning my head to check for a potential lane change. Well, time continued to tick (just like traffic continues to roll for the most part), and I ended up signing up for another semester while I looked into other options. Some options originally looked REALLY great, but as I found time to really ask some questions, I was fairly disappointed. Also, even though my grades have dropped 'slightly' these last few weeks, I have really started to feel a focus and connection again with Trinity. Needless to say, I'm not "changing lanes" anytime soon. I was in such a rush to 'discover my future", but recently I was reminded of a J.R.R. Tolkien quote "Do not spoil wonder with haste". God has SO much for me to experience and learn RIGHT now. He has PLENTY of good things for me now. I just need slow down long enough to realize it. Psalm 46:10 "Be STILL and know that I am God".

Driving tip: Self-enforcement of the speed limit allows for a less 'rushed' feel, which I have found to GREATLY help eliminate 'road-rage' and 'stop-light impatience'. :)

God is GOOD!♥

No such thing as a "Quick Summary"

Hi Everybody!
I'm sorry I've been bad at keeping up. It's been pretty crazy being a full-time student, a "Part-time" employee, an average human being who needs sleep/basic other things, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend, peer, involved student...Anywho, my real big time eaters are/were classes/hw and my job.
As of last Friday, I am no longer employed, but I have to say that it was a learning lesson. Also, for the most part it wasn't a bad job, gas is just too expensive. Well, between commuting to school, and my job, that required me to drive all over the south-eastern suburbs (and slightly into IN), I have spent a LOT of time driving.
So, I was thinking of just starting a whole 'new' blog for random things I've thought of/learned from my driving experiences, but lets be serious, I have a hard enough time keeping this one up :) I plan to just write individual blogs and have a specific "Life Lessons of a Commuter Student" label. I will hopefully post my first one after I finish this post.
School has been going well, but the for the last couple of weeks I've felt very unmotivated, and a little lost. God, however, has been very good to me (SURPRISE!. I am currently scheduled to remain at Trinity at least for another semester, but please continue to pray for guidance for me. Right now, it's kind of a day-to-day thing. There have been plenty of learning opportunities both in and outside of the classroom. Pray that I am a good witness for JESUS to my classmates (Yes, I go to Christian school, but I don't take it for granted that all my peers are Christians too). It's a struggle sometimes to not get angry and to be judgmental. My prayer as of late has been "God help me to be compassionate as You have shown compassion to me, and to love as You have loved me". I know it's not going to happen over night, but people won't be drawn to cruelty/loathing, but to love.
Last night (early this morning), I finished a paper for my Theology class on Genesis 22, and I hope to post it once I get it back, but the main point I got from my research was that God cares about our HEARTS. He wants to be the One whom our hearts are fixed upon, and whom we trust wholeheartedly .
Jeremiah 29:11 is a favorite verse to quote, but often people stop there. It's unfortunate because I've come to find verse 13 to be the best part...
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart

I have a lot of questions about my future. I have hopes and I have dreams (fears too!), but I have a God who just wants to be in a relationship with me. He'll take care of the rest (Mat 6:33...I couldn't help referencing it), and it'll probably be better than I could ever imagine (Eph 3:20!). Truth is, I've been REALLY stressed out these last couple months. It hasn't been a constant thing, but it's certainly been 'hanging' over my head. I've started looking at the waves around me instead of focusing on my Savoir JESUS (Mat14:29-31). I've been trying to 'feel in control', and have just wound up feeling MORE lost, MORE confused, and just generally dissatisfied with life/demotivated. I wish I could say "I'm done" with all that, but I know it will still be a battle, but with Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, it's once again a GREAT reminder of God's GREAT provision in my life. It is much easier to feel better when my eyes are on God and what He's done, and NOT on myself. Because I have included all of my other typical verses, I can't finish this post without (yes, you guessed it) Philippians 4:6-7...
Dear God, you know my hopes and my dreams. You know what I'm going through, my current stresses, the little things that drag me down. I thank for the job opportunity and helping me through it. I thank you for how you've continued to provide for, and for the little 'gifts' you give me each day as a reminder of your presence. Help me Holy Spirit to continue to trust you with all my heart, and grant me a peace that surpasses all understanding. I'm sorry for how I've tried to take control, continue to pry my life from my hands. It's ours and I KNOW I will be much better off with YOU in control...Thank You for Your peace. -Amen

God is GOOD!♥