Random early December update

I am currently sitting in my school's library, midway through my last week of classes for this semester (my first semester at this school). It has certainly had its ups and downs, but I'm pleased to say there are a few things that I'm really actually starting to get excited about.

As a business major there is a lot of talk about 'planning', 'organizing', 'setting goals'. Unfortunately, I tend to feel very inept at setting 'SMART' (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals for myself. Continually, I tend to be more of a ‘goal-oriented’ person… starting to see my general dilemma? So, this semester has been kind of trying because, besides the goal of GRADUATING with some degree (currently Business), I didn’t really have any other focus or motivation for school. However, the other day when talking to my counselor… (Yes, I have one…I HIGHLY recommended it! They provide a great NEUTRAL prospective to life that I find to be extremely beneficial in this rather chaotic time of life)… I ended up on this tangent about a dream I’ve been holding onto for the last few years. Never any real major developments, but I’ve mentioned it from time to time, but this time it seemed to really come to life in that office. I started to get really excited about it. Though, it is very much still just a dream at this point, it’s kind of also become a bit of vision; Something to pray about, and potentially start putting some serious effort into, and more importantly, a ‘tangible’ goal for my current academic pursuit. Instead of just seeing school as a means to just a degree… it’s now a potential means to my DREAM! Like I stated earlier, I only have a few more class periods to go, but I already see a change in how I approach my major-related classes (and in a sense some of my Gen.Eds too). Not that I wasn’t participating before, but I now see them as opportunities to helping my dream take shape.
+1 for school!

Secondly, due to my current lack of employment (as mentioned in a previous blog), I’ve had time to get more involved in ‘extra-curricular activities’ here at school. Last week I was able to go through my Theater (and general art department) orientation, and I am now able to run sound for theater productions. I was given my orientation specifically so I could run sound for a group that was going to be renting my school’s theater for the week. It was my first time running sound for a theater production, and it ended up being lots of fun. This week I am again assisting with another production, expect this one is actually put on by my school’s theater group. I really do enjoy running sound, and it feels good to be back behind a board on a regular basis. Also, it's a digital board which is something I’ve had little opportunity to work with. I currently haven’t had the opportunity (or need!) to benefit from its ‘digital capabilities’, but it’s still something new to learn and experience in an area that I GREATLY enjoy.
+1 again for school!

Continuing on with exciting things, I’ve also been asked to consider applying for a more major role in an on campus group I’m currently involved in, which has the possibility of being both challenging and greatly rewarding. I will more than likely apply, but regardless, I am excited about where the group is heading in general. It will be fun to be a part of it in whatever role I end up being in.
A 3rd + for school!

To conclude on more focused spiritual note: I am VERY thankful to God for changing my attitude, as I’ve really struggled with that this semester; it’s nice to be finding some real joy in school. He’s taught me alot this semester.(James 1:2-4) Also, as I try to pray-fully move forward with my dream, it’s important to remember who ultimately is in control. As I was telling my boyfriend about my exciting new brainstorm (as he is directly connected to the idea), the verse Psalm 127:1 came up. “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain”. I can run myself ragged trying to make my ‘dreams come true”, but if it’s not GOD’s project first and foremost, I will never truly succeed, and my efforts will be in vain. Therefore, it’s very important that I include HIM in every step of the process. If it’s not His way, if it’s not what He desires, than I shouldn’t do it. On the encouraging side, one of my favorite verses (as many of you already know) is Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us”, which reminds us that God’s ways are SO beyond ours, and specifically beyond our IMAGINATION…our dreams! God wants to take our dreams and EXPLODE them into something we could never have thought of for ourselves. Isn’t that AWESOME?! I think so… and I’m excited to see what God does. I already REALLY like my idea, so I know God’s way will definitely be ‘crazy AWESOME’ (to borrow the colloquialism)!
+INFINITY for God!

God is GOOD!♥