April LESSONS bring May... ?

Another month has flown by, and the winner for the most used phrase this month; 'God is working on it'.

Speaking honestly here, April has been one of the hardest months for me. I've probably cried more in the last 2 weeks, than all of last year. Also, these weren't just tears, this was full-out crying to God in pain, seeking His guidance, asking for forgiveness, begging to see His presence in my life. I have a really hard time expressing myself, and what I express generally doesn't accurately reflect what is going on inside me. What I've learned is that I also tend to do that with God, which is bad because He is the ONE who already knows EVERYTHING (more than I do!). This past month, I had what I would consider to be my first REAL lesson on what it means to cast all of my cares on the Lord (Psalms55:22/1Peter5:7)

'Rees Howells INTERCESSOR' was April's book for the month. It's a challenging biography of a man who lived a life of faith in total dependence on God, who had an understanding of what it meant to daily pick up his cross and follow Jesus. It challenges me to seek to have that kind of relationship with God, and to strive to surrender more and more of my life to God's will. The hardest moments/my biggest struggles are ALWAYS harder when I'm trying to control my life. I ask God 'why?', when all I need to do is remember WHO HE IS! Life isn't working out how I WANTED it to turn out...it's OK, because GOD is the one in control, and HIS way is the BEST way!

A verse God gave me this past month was Psalms 55:12 "Restore to me the JOY of your SALVATION and grant me a WILLING spirit to SUSTAIN me"

No matter what happens God is still on HIS THRONE!
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our SAVIOR, who daily bears OUR burdens" (Psalms 68:19)

God is GOOD! ♥

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