Alot of
Patience is
Irreguardless of the
Lack there of
Patience seems to be the theme of my current 'phase' of life. I don't seem to have a lot of it. I want to know... What's going to happen??? Where am I supposed to go??? What am I supposed to do/be doing??? And they aren't BAD questions, but MAYBE I'm not supposed to know ALL the answers...??? I don't know...just a thought :)... Actually, it's true. Once again, I'm faced with the reality that I AM NOT God...shouldn't be that hard to remember, but...When it comes to not knowing the answers I don't like it...but only God knows EVERYTHING. I am NOT God, therefore...I do NOT know EVERYTHING!!!...Yeah for A=B,B(doesn't)=C, therefore C(doesn't)=A!!! Yes, I am a nerd ^^... Anywho, April has been a time of waiting for me. Waiting for other people to make decisions. Trusting that God was leading me to wait. Accepting WAIT as an answer to some of my MANY questions. Thankfully, God is also the One who does SATISFY, and we don't have to wait FOREVER. In fact, something we have to wait A LOT less than forever.
One thing I've been waiting to hear back about was my acceptance to a Christian College by my house in IL. Earlier this month, I'm happy to report I did receive my official acceptance to Trinity Christian College. So, as of right now, I'm planning on moving BACK home to IL in August (after being 'out-of-the-house' for THREE years). It will be a fairly big adjustment, but I am particularly excited to be able to spend more time with my younger sister who is FINALLY to that age where we can hang out on a more 'even' level (She's five years younger than me). It will be cool to see how God uses that...Also, I will hopefully be able to reconnect with friends from high school whom I haven't spent much time with since high school.
Secondly, I was waiting to hear back about a summer job. This past Monday, I was officially offered a summer position at Camp Summit in IL, and I have verbally accepted. An official contract will be coming soon. Pray for me as I will be needing to raise support for myself in order to work there this summer. I look forward to seeing all that God will do this summer, and to the new experiences I have ahead.
Thank you all for you prayer, love, and support. My time with Outfitters is drawing to a close, but don't worry, I plan to keep blogging (I'm hooked!). So, keep watching for updates, as I will continue to try to keep you all updated on what going on as I move forward into this new 'phase'.
God is GOOD! ♥
Trying to smile and hide the pain;
Faking my way through another day.
Wearing the mask that seems to fit;
Always feeling the need to switch.
Can’t seem to please anyone
Much less myself.
Ashamed of how I really feel
And don’t want to share
But I’m more afraid of finding out
‘No one really cares!’
Opening the curtains
Letting in the light
Saying ‘Goodbye’ to negativity
I don’t need you tonight.
I have Jesus
He’s the only thing I need
He’s my all and all
He can catch me when I fall
I don’t need to pretend a thing
He already knows everything
I am FREE!
The Devil often pushes us back and forth, back and forth between two EXTREMES. We're convicted about one and rush to the other and back again. We make ourselves spiritually and emotionally 'motion-sick' with the ups and downs. Crushing ourselves with the belief that we've somehow FAILED, living in fear of never being able to do things 'right'. ...or maybe it's just me... Do I pray enough? Do I pray at the right time? Is God REALLY telling me to do something or is it just me trying to MAKE myself more spiritual? I tend to feel like I care too much...but what is too much? When is it wrong to hide my true it ever right to hide my feelings? How do I find JOY in my 'times of trial', and not just faking a smile? How do I 'die to self' and yet not lose track of the fact that I am a 'master piece' and 'child of GOD'?
These are just some of the extremes I have been struggling to understand, and the Biblical truths that seem to bring a balance to them...
Pride...Self-HATE =Humility
Legalism...Reckless =Discipline (Colossians 2:16-23)
Fear...Foolishness =Faith
Judgmental...Overly passive =Grace
Overworking...Laziness =Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11; Jeremiah 17:24-27)
...I know there are correlating verses for all of them, but I can't recall the references right now...if you've got one that goes I would LOVE to have it. Also if you have an 'extreme set' and it's TRUTH or maybe you are looking for the central TRUTH...feel free to share's nice to not feel alone in struggles.
Ultimately, as I look at all the words right of the (=), all of them are qualities I want to possess and be, but I can't achieve them on my own. I'm not perfect which is the main reason why these things are so HARD to do. However, they are not impossible. With JESUS, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength"(Philippians 4:13).
God is GOOD!♥
Well, March has gone by again, and once again Butler is going to the finals...that is of course as far (once again) that basketball will enter into my blog...
March started with MI-CCCA (Christian Camping and Conference Association, Michigan sectional). It would take WAY too long to summarize all the things I learned over the 3 day conference. However, since I promised to talk about it during this month's newsletter, here's what I can give you. 'Pray FIRST, Pray NOW!'...what a concept! I'm still working on that one...'God will place you where He wants you' and...'God doesn't WASTE YOUR TIME'...
March's book of the month was 'Power of Prayer' by E.M.Bounds...I literally have a page tagged and labeled 'OUCH!'. No joke. This book was uber-convicting about the concept of prayer...are you catching the theme???...PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! You want to know what God's will is? PRAY...communicate with God. Which NOTE, also means LISTENING for God to respond. Normal conversation means there is a back and forth; like a game of catch! EVERYTHING comes back to the health of your relationship with God. If your relationship with God is healthy...the rest of your life will follow. If it's not, you are GOING TO HAVE PROBLEMS! "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given you as well"(Matthew 6:33).
Life is moving along. I got accepted to Trinity Christian College, and after THREE years will be moving BACK home to IL for school in the fall. I'm excited to see what God does...
This summer is still rather up in the air. I'm kind of in the waiting stages...we'll see what God sends me to do. I pray for the strength and courage to go WHEREVER, to WHOEVER God sends me, and to do WHATEVER, WHENEVER I'm sent to do
God is GOOD!♥
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- trials (2)
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- wisdom (2)
About Me

- Mindensen
- I am... Deeply loved by God... Completely forgiven... Fully pleasing... Powerfully equipped... Totally accepted... ...and Complete in Christ!
- 2nd summer (2)
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- change (3)
- Christmas (1)
- commitment (4)
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- foolishness (1)
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- God (17)
- goodbyes (1)
- guidance (3)
- happiness (1)
- healing (2)
- humility (2)
- Introduction/ Test run (1)
- It's a God thing (2)
- joy (5)
- leadership (1)
- life (25)
- Life Lessons of a Commuter Student (1)
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- Outfitters (7)
- patience (1)
- Peace (1)
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- surrender (5)
- trials (2)
- trust (11)
- truth (2)
- unconditional love (1)
- wisdom (2)
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