Being Honest

After typing the very words of my title I speculated and then confirmed my own suspicions. In no way have I mentioned in my blogs about being Gluten Sensitive/Intolerant. I have somehow, in my summaries of lessons and events of the last year, 'overlooked' what is truly a MAJOR health issue that greatly effected and IS effecting my life. Hence the title...
It's time I STOPPED living in denial. I'm not 'sick', but I'm not healthy either. My gluten issue is genetic, and though not diagnosed till I was almost 20, it has probably been slowly damaging my body since birth. At the end of last May, I was put on a permanent, 100% gluten-free diet. However, my problems have not ended there. I have now, thankfully STOPPED harming my body, but I now have to face the reality of needing to repair the damage that has already been done. It's hard. I don't like admitting that I still struggle with being inexplicably depressed and emotional. Feeling like I'm fighting a wall of doubt, anxiety, fear, and sadness from crashing down on top of me, threatening to inhibit my ability to function 'normally'. Stress inducing situations quickly become overwhelming and unmanageable. My goal-oriented personality becomes discouraged which makes it easy for self-loathe to settle in. Apathy sets in as my body defensively turns to feeling 'nothing' as opposed to the tidal-wave of uncontrolled emotion.

So what now? Well, recognizing that I have a problem is definitely a good first step, but now it’s time to get serious about finding help. It’s going to take time, energy, and effort to find the answers behind my symptoms. I’m going to need patience, and make myself available as I give the treatments time to work. Ultimately, I need prayer for wisdom. I need God to direct me in how I need to go about taking care of the body He has entrusted to me. Thus far, I’ve been ignoring it, and placing my health on a ‘back-burner’. I can’t do that anymore. It’s too much. I need help.

If there is one good thing (though I suppose when I think about it there are several), about the whole situation it is this; we humans are truly "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139). The human body is SO complex and SO intricately designed. All of it is interconnected in ways that we are still just starting to discover. It’s a POWERFUL reminder of God’s greatness and wisdom. He is the Great Designer. He alone knows EVERYTHING about us, and how we function. We humans are just starting to make a dent…if that =D Praise God for His GREATNESS!

God is GOOD!♥

1 comment:

brian.allred said...

You worry too much. Be who you are and all things will fall in place.

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