The ACT of submitting

Dear Lord Jesus
I need Your Grace
and Your Strength.
Help me to be obedient
in the trials I face.
When I gave You my life
I gave You control.
Now it's time for me to
really live that role.

Letting You direct
wherever You choose.
Trusting I'll gain
more than I'll lose.
Actively submitting
myself to Your Will.
Obediently following
no matter the 'bill'.

You paid a price greater
than anything I could pay.
Proving Your LOVE,
paving The Way.
I now have access to
the ABUNDANT life.
Sometimes for now though
that means strife.
Living in a broken world
means making a choice.
Picking a shepherd,
and following his voice.

I chose You Jesus;
The Good Shepherd,
my Savoir, and Friend.
You’re the One to follow
till the very End.
Your Way is the Best,
but it can be hard to see.
Sometimes it can even
appear as terrible to me.

I believe Lord though
that You are Loving, and kind.
You do ALL things
with our BEST in mind.
Thank You God
for being good, and faithful.
For Your promises, Lord
I am grateful.

Thank You that
You’ll never leave me.
Thank You for
a yoke that’s easy,
Thank You God for
the strength to act,
even when I think I can’t.
Thank You for
Your Spirit that guides me,
gives me wisdom,
And lives inside me.

Thank You for
the power to carry on,
and grace through which
my weaknesses are made strong.
My eyes are on You.
Lead on where You Will.
No matter what happens,
I will trust You still.

God is GOOD!♥


brian.allred said...

You are Bloggin" quite abit. Good to see you active.

Katie said...

Nice to see you share this poem!:)

Stephen Mechling said...


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