Now obedience...

Jesus says in John 14:21 “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my father and I too will love him and show myself to him.”
What does it mean to obey? What has God been asking me to do that I need to obey/ haven’t been obeying? It has certainly been a ‘hot-topic’ between me and him. Last Wednesday, I was participating in a day of Silence and Solitude, and one of the papers I was reading had a rather challenging request; “List two changes in your life that WOULD most glorify God?” Well, even though I feel like I have already been making some rather big changes, and some rather glorifying to God, I didn’t really know what changes I still needed to make, and which ones would be most glorifying to God.
So, I prayed about it, and right away the first thing I heard was about my hair. The moment I heard God ask for it though was the exact moment I realized how MUCH I valued it. I wanted to get angry, wanted to fight it/ blow it off. However, the more I went down that path, the more I realized it made sense for God to ask for it. Clearly, as strange as it seems to be typing this right now, I have been placing more value than I should on my hair. I’m going to be donating 10 inches this Monday.
So, that was ONE, but yes, God had a two. I’m still processing it, but I’m SURE I need to delete my Myspace (which wasn’t hard because I never use it), My Dailybooth account (which is currently impossible, but will be abandoned until I can delete it), and lastly Facebook. I still really don’t want to, and as of right now it isn’t deleted, but I’m in the process of breaking that connection (I just didn’t feel right deleting it super suddenly, without warning anybody). However, once again, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I was relying on Facebook to ‘keep me connected’, when really it has just been a HUGE source of guilt for not being able to do that, even though Facebook makes it ‘so easy’. Plus, God has really been trying to tell me, it’s OK, he knows what he is doing, and I won’t lose my friends. It’s going to be hard, but I KNOW that if I keep my focus on him, not only will I have the joy of being obedient, but I KNOW my relationships, with not just him, but with EVERYONE else will be made better, and more glorifying to him.
God is still GOOD!


Chris Palmer said...

Wow! Mindy that is now obedience! Way to go girl! Will be looking foward to keeping posted on your blog! It's wonderful! Love ya, KP

Julee O said...

I admire your obedience. Make sure though that you're not deleting an opportunity to reach others for Him. I'm going to add your blog to my favorites, thanks for sharing the location with me. Take care and keep listening, He obviously speaks to you :)

brian.allred said...

More blog posts. No more FB, Sad.

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