A Turning Point

Like a baby wrapped in its mother's womb
I lie on the floor while my tears consume,
all the pain inside my heart,
as I watch my world start to fall apart.

The phantom of control now gone,
I look for something to lean on.
I need someone strong to hold me,
Who'll never leave me, or forsake me.
Someone who'll put my life back together,
Someone who can make it better.

Jesus, You're the one I need.
You're the one who's EVERYTHING.
Through You, all things were made.
Through You, everything is saved.

Take my heart and hold it closely.
Cleanse me Lord, and make me holy.
Set my life apart for you.
Transform my heart, and make it new.

Give me joy I can't describe.
Peace and patience in hard times.
Grant me wisdom when I pray,
and strength to face each new day.

And lastly Lord, please give me love,
the kind that only comes from above.
Love that only you can give,
but the love I need, so I can live.

God is GOOD! ♥


Chris Palmer said...

Wow! Such a lot the Lord is moving in your heart right now! When we cry out to HIM he hears us and His desire is for us to be completely surrendered! I am learning this too, my friend! I hope you still have my number...feel free to call anytime even if its just because you need a prayer! You are being remembered in our prayers! You've moved me to tears with your writing. Keep crying out and remember "by his mighty power at work within us He is able to accomplish infinately more than we could ever dare ask or imagine." Eph 3:20 Sending a hug. KP

Mindensen said...

Thanks KP! I do still have your number and it is really great to know that you are there for me. I thank you for your prayers. They are SO needed. Let me know when you have any specific prayer needs. LOVE YA! ♥

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