Untitled? Not anymore :)

Four weeks of a year comparatively are not much, but many significant things can still happen in such a short amount of time. In my last newsletter, I kind of introduced June when I was talking about my birthday, but now June is gone, and I’m starting day three of July. Oh, dear…hold on, because my birthday seems like it happened FOREVER ago.

First off, summer here at camp officially started this month. Four days after my birthday the summer staff started working. We have over 20 college-ish age people (AKA my age people) working as paid staff this summer. It’s been nice, and kind of crazy at the same time to have more of my peers around camp outside of Outfitters.
With summer, my job as AV Director also officially started. As I type this, I’m currently waiting for my 2nd week’s summary video to generate. It’s been kind of a long couple of weeks AV-wise, but I understand that starting a new system means putting in some extra work at the beginning. So, that’s what I’m doing. It’s been a process to figure out what works best, and what is the most efficient way to go about making the summary videos.

Lastly, but MOST importantly, what has God been teaching me over the last 4 weeks? Praise Jesus, Many, MANY things. It’s amazing how much my views on things can change, and how God really does control the heart. This past month, I’ve continued to learn more about love. What it is, what it looks like. One main lesson was the concept of really loving someone like a brother, when they aren’t. Being able to acknowledge it, and accept it. I know I'm being vague, but much of what I've been learning this month has been rather abstract and it is hard for me do adequately verbalize it at this current time in writing. I'd LOVE to talk about it though. God has been doing GREAT things, in my life, at camp, and in the lives of the people around me, and I KNOW He is going to continue to do so. All praise to "Him who is able to immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us." (Ephesians 4:20) That's probably my favorite verse, and I come back to it a lot. I'm so thankful for a God who goes beyond anything I could dream of, I pray that He continues to expand my hopes and dreams, but still, I'll NEVER be able to fully understand God's true essence. PRAISE HIM!

God is GOOD! ♥

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