Summer has come to pass...

Well...once again, I've come to the end of another month, and the close of another summer at Bair Lake Bible Camp. The blog I posted right before this one kind of gives a long 'summary' of what God's been teaching me/what's been on my mind, but I didn't say anything about the actual events of my month so I figured I should probably right another one doing so.

The first half of August went by in a blurr of end of the summer camp. It ended with two camps being on the same week. Fun, fun, fun for AV. However, I made BOTH movies,a summer-summary video for staff, and STILL got 4 hours of sleep. WIN! So it took all summer, but still makes me happy. Now all I have to do is finish writing the Manual. :) Yes, that's right, I am now working on writing an AV Summer Manual. Complete with diagrams ^^ It should be good, and hopefully VERY informative/helpful for future AV workers.

Now that the summer camps are over, summer staff has pretty much ALL left **tear(s)**, but with the end of summer comes the start of retreat season and GUEST GROUPS! We hit the ground running, with a full-week long guest group,followed by back-to-back (some slightly over-lapping) groups...whew! We've kept busy doing turn-overs, making sure each new group has a clean place to stay :)

The biggest change that's coming is four more people will be joining the discipleship group. I'm very excited because I KNOW God is going to use Outfitters to do GREAT things in these peoples lives. Housing, will be interesting, but I'm trusting God to work all that out. Yes, I'll be honest, I'm not SUPER-EXCITED about sharing our little apartment with two more girls, but God's given me a peace about it, and like I said, I KNOW they're here for a reason :)

On a HIGH note, starting on August 25th (and actually Aug.24th after work!) We 1-year Outfitters were given some vacation time that doesn't end till the new Outfitters move in on September 1st. It's only 1 week, but still, I'm thankful. I got to spend the first half in the Detroit-area with my boyfriend and his family. It was my first time visiting them, and Detroit. It was a lot of fun, and I already miss him (long-distance relationships kind of suck, but hey! God got us this far...), but than I was able to take the Amtrak (another new experience) back home to IL to spend the 2nd half of my vacation at home with the fam. It's been GREAT. I've been able to chill, and just spend quality time with my family who I don't see all that often. I was even able to watch my younger brother's (I can't say little b/c he is now taller and more musclely than me ^^ ) first soccer game of the season. He's a senior and on the varsity team. I feel SO old. I don't really no anyone on the guys' team anymore, and I used to be the manager. Oh well. Such is life...

and that catches me up to today! =D

God is GOOD! ♥

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