Year 2

Well, September is almost over, and boy a lot has happened. First, we have 3 new people in the Outfitters program: Steve, Elaine, and Carissa. On top of adjusting programmatically to there being more people, it has also meant an adjusting of housing since we had to make living space for our new members. The preparation was more stressful than the actual event, and I’m LOVING having more people. I’ve always been a fan of big groups; I come from a bigger-ish family, and coming back to a home filled with activity is nice. Sure, it’s not all fun and games, but it’s been good. :) Organizationally, it’s been REALLY great having more people…we can get almost ALL of camp cleaned in ONE work day. It’s AWESOME!

With the end of summer came the starting up of our ‘normal’ schedule again. For Tool Time we are finishing up the RZIM Apologetics series that we did half of last year. It’s been really good thus far (It’s a highlight of my week!). For The Feast, we are doing Navigators again, except this time we 2nd year Outfitters get to teach. Hannah and Mike are doing the first book this month. Nate and I get to teach the second book next month. It should be fun. I’m really looking forward to it. The discussions have been really good. It’s interesting to look back at what we learned last year, find new things this year, and add ideas that the 1st year Outfitters catch that we didn’t. It’s a really good time to just get into the Word together, and to discuss Truth.

Keep praying for Outfitters and camp. Let me know how I can be in prayer for you.
I Love you guys!

God is GOOD! ♥

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