This or That...

The Devil often pushes us back and forth, back and forth between two EXTREMES. We're convicted about one and rush to the other and back again. We make ourselves spiritually and emotionally 'motion-sick' with the ups and downs. Crushing ourselves with the belief that we've somehow FAILED, living in fear of never being able to do things 'right'. ...or maybe it's just me... Do I pray enough? Do I pray at the right time? Is God REALLY telling me to do something or is it just me trying to MAKE myself more spiritual? I tend to feel like I care too much...but what is too much? When is it wrong to hide my true it ever right to hide my feelings? How do I find JOY in my 'times of trial', and not just faking a smile? How do I 'die to self' and yet not lose track of the fact that I am a 'master piece' and 'child of GOD'?

These are just some of the extremes I have been struggling to understand, and the Biblical truths that seem to bring a balance to them...

Pride...Self-HATE =Humility

Legalism...Reckless =Discipline (Colossians 2:16-23)

Fear...Foolishness =Faith

Judgmental...Overly passive =Grace

Overworking...Laziness =Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11; Jeremiah 17:24-27)

...I know there are correlating verses for all of them, but I can't recall the references right now...if you've got one that goes I would LOVE to have it. Also if you have an 'extreme set' and it's TRUTH or maybe you are looking for the central TRUTH...feel free to share's nice to not feel alone in struggles.

Ultimately, as I look at all the words right of the (=), all of them are qualities I want to possess and be, but I can't achieve them on my own. I'm not perfect which is the main reason why these things are so HARD to do. However, they are not impossible. With JESUS, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength"(Philippians 4:13).

God is GOOD!♥


Stephen Mechling said...

You are not alone in those struggles. Your first paragraph is the exact definition of how I've felt for the past month. I like the way you think. Did you update this blog recently? I don't remember reading it before.

Mindensen said...

No, I didn't update this blog recently...but thank you for commenting on it. It's good to not be alone :) I think I actually wrote this one after talking to you guys about it a similar the time my main focus had been on 'fear and foolishness''s definitely a good thing to work through...

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