This side DOWN

I am a VERY forgetful person, and I am well known for writing myself little reminders on the backs of my hands. In fact, my friends laugh at me because in my Senior picture, if you look closely, you can see the word 'Copies' written on my hand :)
Well, recently I have been using the same method to remember spiritual truths that God has been trying to teach me.

Over the last year I have had multiple bible verses, the words Love, Forgive, and Peace written on the back of my left hand, and often many get put BACK on. Recently, I have had a new word written;'Down'. As in "This side DOWN". Often times I am tempted to want to grasp for control of my life, especially when things seem to be falling apart. However, those are the times God is calling me to TRUST HIM MORE! Also, whenever I start to hold onto something too tightly, or forget where the good gifts come from, that's when I start to worry. However, when I remember that ALL good and perfect gifts come from above (James 1:17),and hold 'my possessions, and relationships' with lose-hands, that's when I'm able to relax and let God lead. He knows what's going on, He has a plan, and He'll be there with me through it all. If I hold my hands open to Him, and keep nothing back, HE is MORE than capable of holding my ALL in HIS hands. Thank You God!

God is GOOD! ♥

1 comment:

A Wild Rose said...

Hey Mindy! Posting scripture, or carrying it in a pocket to pull out whenever has been a huge blessing to me (I help keep Post-it manufacturers in business :) In college, I would even take a journal full of verses to prop up on the treadmill at the gym (I fed my heart while I worked it; I did some of my best memorizing that way! :)

I hope you're well!! Have a lovely weekend! ~Rach

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