Commitment-it's a God thing

Commitment. A word that tends to scare people these days. Well, this past Sunday I went to a church whose message was about commitment, and boy was I not prepared for what God would do.

Have you ever had people disappoint you? Let you down? Break a COMMITMENT? Well, me too. In fact, as sad as it is, words of commitment to my family have come to be known as 'two week notices'. It's kind of a joke now, which is NOT how things are supposed to be. Commitment is very important, nothing great happens without it. However, with all the poor examples of commitment around us, how are we supposed to take it seriously?

Well, as obvious as it should have been, God reminded me on Sunday how HE made a commitment with us when He sent JESUS, and how HE has NEVER broken a commitment. He is faithful, trustworthy, and will ALWAYS be there. It was like Jesus was saying, "Look Mindy. Look how committed I am to being in a relationship with you...before you were even born I DIED for you. can trust me. I'm here for you, I've been here for you, I'll ALWAYS be there for you." I don't think the speaker was trying for a 'moving' service but I was definitely crying through most of it. Not anything dramatic, but as I stood there during the worship session at the end of the service tears started streaming down my face. I didn't have to fear commitment anymore, or fear being abandoned or left alone because that's IMPOSSIBLE to happen with God.

So, thank you God for being my source of JOY, my refuge, and my strength. Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me. You are my comforter and provider. I KNOW you are in control, and have my best in mind. Thank you for you peace!

God is GOOD! ♥

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