In All Things Give Thanks

So, on Tuesday, I was having a pretty rough day. However, when I got home that night, I discovered something that made me smile. Some would call it a 'coincidence', but I call it a God thing :) Anyways, as I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that the pause button on my stereo was pushed down (yes, I have a stereo that has a tape player...and I'm PROUD of it!). Well, I haven't played any tapes on my stereo in ages, and didn't even think there was anything in it. Well, there was, and it was an Adventures in Odyssey tape (produced by Focus on the Family). I have NO IDEA how it got there. I haven't brought any tapes from home, and my stereo hasn't been back to my house in IL for over a year. It was there though, and the title of the episode...? Yep, you guessed it, 'In All Things Give Thanks'. I just had to laugh, and than I listened to it. It wasn't their best episode, but the message was exactly what I needed to hear. God, you are SO AWESOME!

God is GOOD! ♥

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